Bleecker's Choice is getting serious again, a good life for your furry friends in a healthy world is important, don't you think?! Let's share a recent insight on dog food with you. And feel free to get in touch if you need advise on dry pet food brands in your country.
Food production is responsible for almost one-quarter of the environmental impact and, therefore, its importance regarding sustainability should not be overlooked. The pet population is growing, and an important part of pet food is composed of ingredients that have a high environmental impact. A Brazilian study aimed to evaluate the impact of dry, wet, and homemade pet diets on greenhouse gas emission, land use, acidifying emission, freshwater withdrawals, and stress-weighted water use.
The wet diets were responsible for the highest impact, and dry diets were the type of diet that least impacted the environment, with a positive correlation between the metabolisable energy provided by animal ingredients and the environmental impact.
Read more about the study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-22631-0
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